Turning us all into devilsOur inability to see good in opponents is not just weakening democracy, it is making us worse people ...
Labour’s small boats lieWe blame "the gangs" because we are reluctant to blame the illegals themselves...
This is how Labour will fallIt won't be the sleaze that brings it down, but the associated piousness, prissiness and puritanism...
How to sell smaller government to a subsidy-junkie electorateVoters complain that taxes keep going up while public services deteriorate, but recoil at the only possible solution...
Conservatives won’t win by being niceThey'll win by being (or at least being thought to be) efficient...
My choice for Tory leaderRemember that we are picking a Leader of the Opposition and not (yet) a PM...
How the British state persecuted EuroscepticsAlan Halsall was hounded for four years by a politicised Electoral Commission...
Law-and-order conservatives versus authoritarian radicalsMobs are fickle, stupid, dangerous and cruel; no conservative should ever make excuses for them...
Don’t restore the winter allowanceForget that it's Labour, and forget that it's a broken promise. It cannot be right to keep paying unconditional benefits...
Sir Humphrey’s final victoryThe Tories were doomed by their inability to get things past the standing bureaucracy...
What killed the Tories?Nigel Farage, more than any other campaigner, grasps how screen addiction has changed our politics...
Can the Conservatives hold together?The end of the Cold War means that the old Tory/Whig alloy is separating into its two constituent elements...
The Tories are now blamed for Labour’s policiesLabour's determined resistance to the Rwanda scheme comes across to most voters as Tory dithering...
Forever frenemiesDespite everything, Britain and France have been on the same side for the better part of two centuries...
Why is Britain holding out against Europe’s populist tide?Portugal has joined the swing from old Left to insurgent Right. What makes Britain different?...
Islam is not IslamismOne is a religion founded by Mohammed in 610, the other a political movement founded by Hassan al-Banna in 1928...
Everyone hates the ConservativesThe country is in a Left-wing mood, and nothing short of a full economic crisis will shift it...
OK, but what’s your alternative?It is easy to list the defects of the Rwanda scheme, but critics never say what they would do instead...
Biffing pirates and slavers is what Brits doNot for the first time, the Royal Navy is acting on behalf of humanity - and getting little thanks for it...
Mark Littlewood belongs in the House of LordsWe can't have committees of grandees blocking people of whom they happen to disapprove on ideological grounds...
Remember why we are backing UkraineIf Putin wins, liberal democracy will suffer a massive global setback...
The West faces a collective Suez momentOnce again, a dictator has found that attacking the old colonial powers guarantees global popularity...
The Peronist deep state is mobilising against Javier MileiToo many interests are at stake to let his free-market reforms succeed...
Israel must be careful not to play the part of Vladimir PutinPopulation transfers, energy boycotts, talk of nuclear strikes - these things are never acceptable...
There will never be a peaceful, prosperous PalestineHamas has, as it intended, killed any prospect of a two-state solution...
Why Leave is behind in the pollsThe EU has dropped out of the news, and we no longer hear about its problems...
We need SOME non-local candidatesA House of Commons composed almost wholly of local councillors will refuse to build anything...
The Letby horrors must not produce more bad lawsOur response should be proportionate to the likelihood of a repetition, not to the sense of public outrage...
Are spending cuts possible in a democracy?Generally only after an economic calamity, like Britain's 1976 IMF bailout...
Let Russia fragmentRussia in its present form - an imperial Eurasian state - cannot but be a menace to the free world...
Who’d want to be an MP?One way to make our parliamentarians behave better is to expect it of them...
Why France? Why now?The riots reflect the global BLM-inspired grievance culture, and things will only get worse ...
The Windrush migrants came to work, not “to help”Why turn the honest story of ambitious people coming for higher pay into a Leftist morality tale?...
The Jacobean Kane and AbelJesse Norman's first novel treats Francis Bacon and Edward Coke, quite properly, as ambitious rival MPs...
The Blob Won’t StopFirst it was Priti Patel, then Boris Johnson, then Dominic Raab, now Suella Braverman - civil servants don't like Leavers...
Won’t somebody please think of the deficit?This Coronation, like the last, was a distraction from the immensity of our debt crisis...
Yes, we should forgive Diane AbbottEither you're against cancel culture or you're not - and, if you are, you have to be consistent...
Am I the last critic of the Belfast Agreement?That deal is treated almost literally as Holy Writ - except among ordinary Unionist voters...
Free countries don’t go in for political arrestsLawfare, malicious investigations, trumped up charges - these things are our future if we keep elevating outcome over process...
Why the quangocracy growsA return to the Oxford Union showed me why governments keep setting up executive agencies...
Why did Brussels fold so suddenly?The EU's movement on the Northern Ireland Protocol suggests that it is finally getting over its pique...
The silliest smear in politicsWith vast amounts being firehose away by the state, it is bizarre to focus on ministers' declared and legitimate hotel bills...
Britain is CANZUK’s Leftist outlierWhy are Labour Australia and New Zealand and Liberal Canada more free-market than Tory Britain?...
Why do Argentines celebrate a war where they were clearly the baddies?And why do Russians associate themselves with an unprovoked attack by a fascist dictatorship on a neighbouring democracy?...
One rule for MPs, one for everyone elseBut in precisely the opposite way to what most people mean...
The Tories are out of optionsVoters don't believe the money has run out and, without an early election, nothing will convince them...
No more Tory democracyThe Conservative Party's leadership election rules make the system used to select the Dalai Lama look rational...
We know what is needed - but do we have the courage to do it?There is no way that the spending increases brought in after Covid can become permanent...
You really think this is about a tiny tax cut?There was always going to be a reckoning after all the money-printing; cutting taxes will at least help...
Spending cuts can’t be put off until the electionA Centre-Right party can win during a downturn - but only if it has visibly started to fix the problem...
Identity politics leads to unspeakable horrorsIndian and Pakistani immigrants to Britain were able to put the communal violence behind them by choosing individualism...
Food nationalism - always popular, never rightA prolonged leadership race is terrible for rational policy making...
Never use these rules againThey encourage dirty tricks and gamesmanship, set MPs against activists and ensure that the winner makes enemies along the way...
We didn’t leave the EU to embrace even more protectionismThere is no case whatever for steel tariffs in the UK, and ministers know it...
What if Boris had become PM in 2016?Consider the counterfactual - a swifter but softer Brexit, public sector reform, Michael Gove as the CEO...
Can Boris pull it back?Maybe - but he needs to understand the anger about our spending levels...
The Northern Ireland Protocol is SUPPOSED to hurtIt wasn't designed to keep British sausages out of Co Cavan, it was designed to punish us for Brexit...
Sinn Féin’s victory makes a united Ireland less likelyPlenty of Irish Catholics dislike the idea of being governed by a party connected to organised crime...
Britain is defined by the rule of lawTo claim otherwise on the basis of disagreements over asylum or parties is trivial and insulting...
Why Poles have risen to the Ukrainian challengeFew countries have suffered more at the hands of occupiers, and few better understand the value of sovereignty...
War is inherently collectivistOur individual vices and virtues are dissolved into national blocs - more's the pity...
Is it racist to feel close to Ukraine?We are bound to be more attached to familiar cultures - something that only the West is meant to feel guilty about...
We overestimated PutinHis unforced errors have undermined him, and a Kremlin coup is no longer unthinkable...
What does Russia want?His chief aim is to keep his people in a state of scared, wounded patriotism. It's not victory he wants. It's permanent conflict...
Brexit has been squanderedFar from liberalising, the UK is adopting more regulations than it had to as an EU member...
Meritocracy raised the West, identity politics will sink itChina is much more ruthless about appointing the best talent, which is why it is overtaking us...
There is no point in taking back powers if we don’t use themBrexit allows us to make different choices, but we seem determined to copy the EU from outside...
Who would have done a better job than Boris?Obviously, Leftists and lockdowners loathe him. But why do libertarians?...
Everything white is racistThat, pretty much, is the view taken by Tate Britain - and the rest of us keep putting up with it...
In Peppa Pig World, no one would need to vote ConservativeBoris Johnson's critics are, as so often, wide of the mark...
We should want MPs to have second jobsIdeally, being an MP would BE someone's second job...
There is no money leftThe Conservatives are spending as if the past 18 months hadn't happened...
The Northern Ireland Protocol has revealed the utter smallness of our Europhiles"Yeah, well you signed it!" Seriously, guys, is that all you've got? ...
Why Labour can’t winEven its supposedly moderate and centrist figures can't help lapsing into self-righteous wokery...
Sir Lindsay Hoyle is right to insist on formal dress - more’s the pityI hate wearing ties but, as a conservative, I see why they should be required...
David Gauke should be a ConservativeHis return would indicate that the party has moved on definitively from the fevered rows of 2019...
Party donors should be thanked, not demonisedIt is better for rich people to support causes bigger than themselves than to live lives of sybaritic indulgence...
Is there any point in unilateral decarbonisation?Britain is well placed to develop clean energy technology, but there is no purpose in acting alone...
The EU’s assault on the City has failedNow we need to deregulate in order to compete with the rest of the world...
Oriel should market itself as a “safe space” for conservativesIs one non-Leftist Oxford college out of 39 really too much to ask?...
How to level up? LocalismWe can't decree regional prosperity from the centre. We need to devolve power...
Don’t respond in kind to the authoritarian LeftWe need to preserve basic liberal principles - free speech, free association, free contract...
Wallpaper for Boris, curtains for KeirLabour is on its way out. So, sadly, is fiscal conservatism...
The epidemic is over in Britain, so why are we not reopening?On every measure things have gone better than expected, but public opinion remains hostile to any easing...
The Eurosceptic whom even Eurocrats likedJens-Peter Bonde, who has just died, established a truly pan-European anti-federalist movement...
Lockdowns have brought out the very worst in usWe are turning into a nation of mean-minded, intolerant, authoritarian, servile snitches...
Laws must be general, equal and certainThere is a terrifying readiness to argue that sanctions shouldn't apply to people we happen to like...
Higher spending and regulation are here to stayThe epidemic has made big spenders of us all...
Britain’s Pacific PivotJoining the CPTPP will strengthen the Anglosphere and boost jobs and growth...
Free association is an absolute right, not conditional on identity politicsA club can insist you wear a tie, a gym can refuse to admit men, a platform can refuse to host people whose opinions it dislikes...
We need to grow our way out of this mess - here’s a list of EU laws to scrapBritain has been uniquely badly hit by the lockdowns, and economic recovery must now be the sole aim of public policy...
The EU’s attitude to Britain is that of an empire toward a renegade provinceThe EU is offering deliberately hostile terms in order to make a point - even at cost to itself...
Vaccinate staff, keep kids in class, hold exams on timeIt is almost literally unbelievable that we might repeat this year's exams fiasco in 2021...
Republican candidates outpolled Trump - yet they are too scared to act against himThe idea that Trump has a unique appeal to blue-collar voters is hard to reconcile with the results...