Should libertarians copy Javier Milei’s coarse style?"We're all tarts when it's someone else's arse," is how the Argentine President explains free-market economics...
The money has run outVoters don't want to accept it and politicians don't want to admit it...
Justin Trudeau’s death throesDid Trump bring down Trudeau with a single social media post?...
The real lockdown casualty was scienceJay Bhattacharya must undo the damage that scientific panjandrums inflicted on themselves in 2020...
Ukraine marks the end of the Pax AmericanaTrump can walk away from Ukraine, but he cannot walk away from the consequences of walking away...
Will the US hand China the most important base in the Indo-Pacific region?Labour's deal with Mauritius is already falling apart, and the US can deliver the coup de grâce...
The Democrats no longer care about winningWokery has destroyed the Dems, and will destroy Labour...
The dream is overInstead of other countries aspiring to be more like America, America has become more like everywhere else...
Britain and America always have their timing wrongA free trade agreement should have happened long ago, but we are the Rhett and Scarlett of international commerce...
It should be called destructionismProtectionism hurts everyone - not least its intended beneficiaries...
America’s godawful choiceOne candidate was disqualified by policy, the other by personality...
Who knew the Aztecs were woke?The row between Spain and Mexico shows the absurdities into which victim politics lead us...
Neither US party seems to want to winThe anti-Trumpers were there for the asking, had anyone made the effort...
Losing the AmericasThe weakness of the US in Venezuela is noted around the region - and beyond...
Germany’s far right is backOne thing is driving the populist surge across Europe - crime...
Keep the hereditary peersAt least until you have something better to put in their place...
The Cold War isn’t over; it isn’t even coldFrom Nicaragua to Syria, old alliances still hold...
Don’t sulk about Kamala - dump TrumpIt's not "a coup" to dump an unelectable candidate; Republicans should try it...
Two-Tier KeirLet's hope the new crackdown signals a more general readiness to punish disorder...
Only regime change can save VenezuelaAre we going to let autocracy claim country after country?...
America is now literally governed by DEILefties openly admit that Kamala is a diversity hire, but get furious when anyone else says so...
Elegy for the Grand Old PartyThe Republican Party had a great run before being displaced by this monstrosity...
Did smartphones kill democracy?Our screen-addled age is impatient, infantile and prone to conspiracy theories...
American democracy can’t take much moreThe Supreme Court, notionally the referee, is now wholly divided along party lines...
Don’t worry about AIAll new technologies are decried as job-destroyers, but it is never true...
Is Nigel Farage our Donald Trump?Followers are expected constantly to readjust their opinions to suit their leader, while pouring invective at everyone else...
Lockdown omertàHalf the world is voting right now, but no country is talking about the single biggest issue...
Trump will end up joining Pacific trade pactCPTPP is the most effective way to contain China's ambitions...
The cynicism of D-DayWe moved in one generation from "The Longest Day" to "Saving Private Ryan"...
When did the world start going backwards?Was it the financial crisis, mass immigration, screen addiction or something else?...
When the fall is all there is, it mattersIf Rishi Sunak must go down, it will be on his own terms, as a patriot who did his best...
After this, the UN has no place in GazaWhoever takes over the territory, there needs to be a policy of re-education, and that cannot happen through UNRWA...
The revolution will be cateredCampus radicalism is nothing new, but this self-absorbed whining can only have come from the smartphone generation...
Rwanda is an ideal destination30 years after the worst genocide of the late 20th century, the country is booming...
Revenge is by definition pointlessIt cannot right whatever wrong you have suffered, though it seems to be hardwired into our genome...
Don’t ban TikTokIt's a dreadful app, and the Chinese government is even more dreadful, but bans are never the answer...
Don’t change your rules at the demand of people who hate youFree association is the basis of a free society - and that includes the Garrick Club...
The Republicans’ bad conscienceMike Pence stands for the principles and ethics that all Republicans used to extol. No wonder they hate him...
The single biggest shift in US politicsNon-white voters are deserting the Dems in droves...
The ugly tradition of Leftist anti-SemitismWhat we are seeing now is not new, but part of a tradition stretching back to Karl Marx...
Multiculturalism or democracy - pick oneFor Parliament to alter its procedures under threat of violence was a new low...
More elderly leaders, please!Spare us from young thrusters with high testosterone and things to prove...
And after Trump?Despite everything, there are encouraging signs that the Republicans still believe in free enterprise...
Is “settler colonialism” really a white thing?West Papua, Iraqi Kurdistan, Western Sahara, Matabeleland, Chittagong Hills, Xinjiang - no whites involved...
Diversity training does more harm than goodWhen using an inappropriate word is treated as blasphemy rather than discourtesy, something has gone badly wrong...
Americans are letting us downWhat would Trump have to do to put off his supporters? Run for a third term? Dissolve Congress? Expel a state from the Union?...
The more we vote, the less we changeMore people will cast ballots in 2024 than in any previous year, yet democracy is in retreat worldwide...
Is the woke madness finally lifting?Claudine Gay is right that she is a pawn in a bigger culture war - though perhaps not in the way she thinks...
Is the Atlantic alliance on its last legs?Donald Trump may be an Anglophile, but he has never cared for the values that Nato exists to defend...
With friends like these who needs Yemenis?The Houthis are a nasty bunch but, like the Taliban, will not be easily eradicated...
Where’s the Tea Party when you need it?Just as after the American Revolution itself, tea partiers have melted away even as government has grown...
Yes we should trade with ChinaTariffs have hurt America more than China, and strengthened the grip of the CPC...
In New Zealand, the system worksWhy can't other countries learn from the sensible, measured Kiwis when it comes to politics?...
Gaza is jammed into our culture warTell me where you stand on trans and BLM and I'll tell you, with 80 per cent accuracy, whether you favour Israel or Palestine...
When goods don’t cross borders, soldiers doThe sudden spate of wars around the world is connected to the decline of international trade...
What if no one wants peace?If one side will settle for nothing less than the annihilation of the other, a settlement becomes impossible...
The Republican Party I loved is deadIf a decent patriot like Mike Pence is rejected solely for having defended the Constitution, the old GOP is irrecoverable...
Israel’s empathy problemsAfter 9/11, we were all Americans; after the Paris attacks, JeSuisCharlie; but Israel is somehow different...
What has Ireland got against Israel?You can tell whether you are in a unionist or republican part of Belfast by whether you see Stars of David or PLO banners...
Putinite Republicans disgrace AmericaThe febrile state of US politics is partly the product of sustained Russian dezinformatsiya...
There’s a reason people stopped believing their governmentsWhen governments engage in well-intentioned disinformation, they push people into conspiracy theories...
My favourite ToryPierre Poilievre is proof that, even in a populist age, classical liberals can still win...
Woke is just fashion - which is why it’s so tenaciousEven the Antiques Road Show has to go along with the nonsense of cultural restitution...
To the Left of Genghis KhanThe idea that genocide makes you Right-wing is an extraordinarily revealing one...
The lockdowns killed more than they savedYou can't interpret the data in any other way. It was the greatest policy failure of the century...
What does it take for a libertarian to be electable?Beware! Beware! His flashing eyes! His floating hair!...
The voters, not the courts, should stop TrumpTheir failure to do so is unbearably depressing for friends of America...
What’s special about being aboriginal?Try substituting "indigenous British" for "indigenous Australian" and see how the argument for extra rights sounds...
What Putin has done is unforgivableTargeting Ukraine's cultural heritage serves no military purpose whatever...
Protectionism - the destructive delusion that won’t go awayBob Lighthizer is the latest author to recycle the terrible argument, all the while imagining it is fresh and new...
Our syncretic religionThe cult of the NHS depends on a series of dogmas that must be believed against all evidence...
Adam Smith at 300 - as misunderstood as everThe Sage of Kirkcaldy was pretty much the opposite of the desiccated economist he is imagined to be...
Anti-colonialism isn’t about the past, it’s about trashing the modern WestWhat began as Soviet propaganda is now taught as mainstream history...
It’s all about the vibesDeSantis is clearly to the Right of Trump, Sunak to the right of Johnson - but vibes matter more than policy...
Pakistan’s slide into authoritarianism is a problem for the WestSupporters of Imran Khan are being rounded up as the army tightens its grip...
Civilisation - I’m looking at it nowInstead of using "Western civilisation" as a political bludgeon, put your screen aside and look at it...
Am I the last fusionist?Bill Buckley saw the creation of the anti-socialist coalition, and I have a horrible feeling that I am seeing its end...
The return of the strongmanAuthoritarian rulers are in the ascendant all over the world, and the liberal interlude is coming to an end...
Why are there so few Muslim democracies?Not because ordinary Muslims don't want it, but because local elites won't allow it...
The primitive essence of monarchyCharles III's coronation preserves a rite that stretches back 3,000 years...
Republicans seem set to pick the only candidate Biden beatsThe burnt fool's bandaged finger goes wobbling back to the fire...
You know who Cleopatra really did look like?Is it OK to impose our values on Egyptians when we do so in the name of empowering kick-ass black girlbosses?...
Biden’s facile version of IrishnessHistory is rarely a goodies and baddies morality tale - and certainly not in Northern Ireland...
Americans! Join the CPTPP!If Britain sees benefits from the Pacific trade nexus, the US - which largely designed the deal - is crazy to stand aside...
What the hell were they thinking when they invaded Iraq?Twenty years ago, good men, advised by knowledgeable foreign policy experts, launched the West's worst foreign policy blunder...
Our new blasphemy lawsEvery society seems to need taboos, no-go areas; woke has taken the place of religion...
The terrible price of identity politicsThousands of girls were abused because of our religious elevation of anti-racism...
Nepo babies are a reminder of how everything used to workWe notice them only because Western societies have, exceptionally, moved from status to contract...
America’s trigger-happy copsIf we had faced up to the culture of impunity rather than focusing just on the racism, we might not be in this mess...
America slides back into protectionismThe Inflation Reduction Act is sparking a series of 1930s-style beggar-my-neighbour responses...
Everything considered, Britain is doing pretty wellWhat with Covid, the Ukraine war and a global slowdown, the UK is performing well relative to the EU...
Harry unwittingly reminds us of how dangerous the hereditary principle can beWhat if the spoiled, petulant nitwit had somehow been next in line?...
Is it racist to ask where someone is really from?Yes - but for reasons that invalidate pretty much the entire BLM movement...